
Our Commitment to Excellence

Ambient Green is a Fire Mitigation company that approaches our wild areas just like you would on foot. We have Equipment and operators that are about a low impact on every job. We at Ambient Green have grown up in the mountains we all have grown to love and want to ensure they are here for generations to come.

We can reduce your Fire Fuels on your large property down to your 1/4 acre lot, whatever you are concerned about we can handle it. We provide a variety of Mechanical Masticators that can clear fence lines or handle a large scale Fuels Reduction on your property. We also can address the ladder fuels in conifer trees and knock back the sucker plants that bounce back after we have cleared your site. 

Mechanical Masticators

Our Commitment to Excellence

A forestry Masticator is an attachment on a power unit that can take many sizes of plant material from 100% mass down to 15%. On property from 1/2 acre to a large section of land, Masticators can do a lot of work very quickly. Our Masticators are on tracks that tread lightly on soil and cause minimal compaction to your property. 

Our Equipment

Hand Pruning

Our Commitment to Excellence

Hand pruning consists of removing the ladder fuels off of large conifer trees that can help fire climb into the canopy of trees. We prune the limbs off of trunks to a height of 10’ to minimize the fire transfer. We also can prune Trees in your back yard in a decorative way and the most healthy way for your trees. 

Our Equipment

Our Commitment to Excellence

With our 1270 Timber Jack we can do select thinning, harvesting, and mastication at a 35’ reach. Our 309 Cat Excavator with an AFE masticating forestry head works on all kinds of angles, especially those hard to reach areas.  The 299 XHP Cat Skidsteer with a land clearing package set up is fitted with a 60” Dimond Forestry Head that can handle some of the more dense vegetation that you could imagine. We also have a 60” Bradco rotary drum masticator that can mount on our 299 Cat or a large tracked excavator for those big jobs. Our 305.5 Cat Mini X with a 36” Dimond Forestry head is a great selection for the finer detail work around buildings or sensitive locations. Our 1500 Vermeer chipper works to handle the hand work material that can be generated from any project.